Understanding Solana Wallet connection to Wallet Adapter
Yes. Anything which has access to the JavaScript context in which the dApp runs can implement the Wallet Standard and register as a @solana/wallet-adapter compatible wallet.
See solanaWallet.ts for an ...
Errors when using `@project-serum/anchor` with Next.js v14 using Webpack 5
You don't need to roll back to previous versions. NextJS allows you to opt out of bundling packages that use NodeJS features.
Add the following to your nextjs.config.mjs:
experimental: {
Solana wallet adapter '{ children: Element[]; }'?
After doing some research, it seems it is a error in react as @kafinsalim stated, I dont know if this is a good workaround but to solve the issue and create a build while keeping everything working ...
Initiate by signing Solana Transaction through EVM provider
Solana uses a different signature scheme than Ethereum, so you cannot use an Ethereum signature as one of the transaction signatures in a Solana transaction.
You'll need to generate an Ed25519 ...
not able to restore old sollet wallet (24 seed)
Sorry to hear about that, you can use solana-keygen to try all sorts of derivation paths to see what generates the correct pubkey, ie:
solana-keygen pubkey prompt://?full-path=m/44/501/0/0
You can ...
authorizing wallet
This is likely an issue with your RPC. You should sign up for a free plan on a Private RPC provider (Helius, Triton, Quicknode), 403 is an IP blocking response.
What is the most secure way to store mass private keys?
If - for what reason ever - you need to store the users' private keys on your server, then you must include a secure transport from the user to your server in your considerations. The best option is ...
What is the most secure way to store mass private keys?
Storing private keys of other users is NOT ideal.
I don't see the need for you to store the keys in a DB (on the server) if you are trying to build a product like a wallet.
for example, Phantom stores ...
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