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Understanding Solana Wallet connection to Wallet Adapter

Yes. Anything which has access to the JavaScript context in which the dApp runs can implement the Wallet Standard and register as a @solana/wallet-adapter compatible wallet. See solanaWallet.ts for an ...
steveluscher's user avatar
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Errors when using `@project-serum/anchor` with Next.js v14 using Webpack 5

You don't need to roll back to previous versions. NextJS allows you to opt out of bundling packages that use NodeJS features. Add the following to your nextjs.config.mjs: experimental: { ...
sohrab's user avatar
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Solana wallet adapter '{ children: Element[]; }'?

After doing some research, it seems it is a error in react as @kafinsalim stated, I dont know if this is a good workaround but to solve the issue and create a build while keeping everything working ...
Joshua's user avatar
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Initiate by signing Solana Transaction through EVM provider

Solana uses a different signature scheme than Ethereum, so you cannot use an Ethereum signature as one of the transaction signatures in a Solana transaction. You'll need to generate an Ed25519 ...
Jon C's user avatar
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not able to restore old sollet wallet (24 seed)

Sorry to hear about that, you can use solana-keygen to try all sorts of derivation paths to see what generates the correct pubkey, ie: solana-keygen pubkey prompt://?full-path=m/44/501/0/0 You can ...
Jon C's user avatar
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authorizing wallet

This is likely an issue with your RPC. You should sign up for a free plan on a Private RPC provider (Helius, Triton, Quicknode), 403 is an IP blocking response.
Truitt's user avatar
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What is the most secure way to store mass private keys?

If - for what reason ever - you need to store the users' private keys on your server, then you must include a secure transport from the user to your server in your considerations. The best option is ...
not2savvy's user avatar
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What is the most secure way to store mass private keys?

Storing private keys of other users is NOT ideal. I don't see the need for you to store the keys in a DB (on the server) if you are trying to build a product like a wallet. for example, Phantom stores ...
Concise Labs's user avatar
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