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4 votes

How to bring up the wallet multi adapter select screen manually in a react app

import { useWalletModal } from '@solana/wallet-adapter-react-ui'; This gives you access to: const { setVisible } = useWalletModal(); … then you can call setVisible(true) to show the menu.
daoplays's user avatar
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React Native build error when installing @solana/wallet-adapter "Module parse failed"

Your build problems stem from the fact that the version of React Native you're using runs code in a JavaScript environment that doesn't support BigInt, and BigInt is required by versions of @solana/...
steveluscher's user avatar
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4 votes

React Native build error when installing @solana/wallet-adapter "Module parse failed"

Two problems here: Your compiler looks like it's using a transform that turns 2n ** 64n into Math.pow(2n, 64n). This is actually illegal because Math.pow() does not support BigInt – only number. An ...
steveluscher's user avatar
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4 votes

Wallet throws WalletNotReadyError when on remote, but works fine locally

The issue is that the solana wallet adapter refuses to work on HTTP unless it's locally. In order to get it to work make sure you access your next app via HTTPS
Petru Cioinica's user avatar
3 votes

Webpack < 5 polyfill problem when using @solana/wallet-adapter on [email protected]

To understand this issue, Webpack 4, which is used by Create React App 4, doesn't handle ESM imports well. And Webpack 5 does, but it doesn't polyfill things you need by default. But here's the ...
Jordan's user avatar
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3 votes

Wallet Adapter (Standard) doesn't work on the iOS device

Unfortunately most wallets can't be autodetected by iOS. On Windows/Mac they're injected into the page by a browser extension, and on Android they can use Mobile Wallet Adapter (MWA), which is ...
Callum M's user avatar
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Solana-wallet-adapter is not working properly in react app

The topmost error ‘You have tried to read wallets on a WalletContext without providing one’ is the error to heed. Make sure to include a <WalletProvider> at least one component above the one in ...
steveluscher's user avatar
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2 votes

Is there a disconnect method for custom wallet buttons?

There is a disconnect method on useWallet. console.log(useWallet()); { autoConnect: false, wallets: [ { adapter: [PhantomWalletAdapter], readyState: 'Unsupported' } ], wallet: null, publicKey: ...
csjcode's user avatar
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how do I use the anza-xyz/wallet-adapter with my create-react-app?

Here's the page/connections guide for front end daps Using JS shouldn't be an issue, just remove the TS typings and you should be good to ...
Jimii's user avatar
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Solana wallet adapter '{ children: Element[]; }'?

After doing some research, it seems it is a error in react as @kafinsalim stated, I dont know if this is a good workaround but to solve the issue and create a build while keeping everything working ...
Joshua's user avatar
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2 votes

How to get Solana address from wallet adapter

The terms ‘public key’ and ‘address’ are interchangeable. The public key of a wallet is the wallet’s address. At a fundamental level, the address is a 256-bit number. In practice you see addresses ...
steveluscher's user avatar
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1 vote

Latest implementation of wallet adapter

You can find the repo here, -> Different folks have different ways to accomplish this. For Some, they'll have the IDL in the frontend repo and call their ...
Jimii's user avatar
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Is there a disconnect method for custom wallet buttons?

There is not "disconnect" request. (Metamask does not have either). to hack around, you define a state with useState: const [connectedWallet,setConnectedWallet]=useState(false) then if you ...
Yilmaz's user avatar
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how to wallet adapter still connect if i am change url

Solana wallet adapter provides autoConnect option which is what you need. Take a look at this answer for more instructions.
Void's user avatar
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Webpack < 5 polyfill problem when using @solana/wallet-adapter on [email protected]

Fought with this issue a lot during our start as well. We are using CRA5, Webpack 5, and react-app-rewired. Webpack 5 no longer polyfills. Our config-overrides.js: const webpack = require('webpack') ...
Bryon M's user avatar
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