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Jonas H.'s user avatar
Jonas H.
  • Member for 2 years, 5 months
  • Last seen this week
1 vote

An Error Occured: Error: Reached maximum depth for account resolution

1 vote

Inconsistent Results Running The Same Code In Playground

1 vote

How can I invoke an instruction inside my other instruction within the same program

1 vote

Solana counter example success on localnet but failed on devnet: Attempt to debit an account but found no record of a prior credit

1 vote

need a better way to analyse tests working for transactions that exceed timeout

1 vote

zig programs on solana

1 vote

How to handle both SPLs and native SOL token in my contract?

1 vote

is clockwork framework obsolete?

1 vote

How to have a new instance of my program for each test?

1 vote

Compatibility of Rust and BPF target

1 vote

Is there an ecosystem crate that provides a bloom filter implementation?

1 vote

PDA takes ~10s to upate even after tx is confirmed

1 vote

error: package `solana-program v1.18.26` cannot be built because it requires rustc 1.75.0 or newer,

1 vote

how to get all Program tokens in ProgramID in Solana network mainnet ecosystem with javascript

1 vote

Fetching Transaction Hashes

1 vote

Anchor installation stops with error: (signal: 9, SIGKILL: kill) on random crates

1 vote

Hide instructions in solana program transfer?

1 vote

Getting Error: memory allocation failed whenever serializing the data to insert into the account

1 vote

What means the error: failed: Overlapping copy

1 vote

Error: failed to send transaction: Transaction simulation failed: Error processing Instruction 0: custom program error: 0x2

1 vote

solana program deploy error

1 vote

Following the Token Extension Program, How do I add a burn function to my token

1 vote

Solana - Rust, Error Number: 4100 - The declared program id does not match the actual program id

1 vote

Gasless Transaction or Sponsoring Gas Fee for users

1 vote

How can I write unit tests with a future timestamp?

1 vote

the trait bound `T: spl_discriminator::discriminator::SplDiscriminate` is not satisfied

1 vote

Partially signing transaction with backend wallet and then signing it with frontend wallet as a feepayer

1 vote

using event vs subscribing to account changes

1 vote

I am getting solana-test-validator error while creating test-ledger

1 vote

The alternative method to get the stake account status since `getStakeActivation` is deprecated

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