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How to Properly Execute Serialized Solana Transaction From Backend Using web3.js and Wallet Adapter?

Problem Description I'm trying to execute a serialized Solana transaction on the frontend using Solana web3.js and Solana React Wallet Adapter. The transaction is provided by the backend as a hex ...
user30753's user avatar
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How should I be sending transactions from my UI?

I want my website to be as performant as possible and for as many of my users' transactions to land as possible. What's a good way to do this?
Proph3t's user avatar
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What is the most exciting thing about Solana

Maybe I want to organize into daily tasks and work seriously But I am afraid that my work will go in vain
Elkhal Abdelhak's user avatar
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Trouble with nft_info Account in Solana Anchor Test Code

I’m new to Solana development, and I’m having trouble writing test code for my program. Specifically, I can’t seem to properly initialize and use the nft_info account. Here’s part of my Rust code: #[...
ledgermuminary55's user avatar
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2 answers

How to get the token account in Solana?

I am trying to get token account for this. #[account(mut)] pub nft_info: Account<'info, TokenAccount>, I used getAssociatedTokenAddressSync(), but there is an error. Error: AnchorError ...
ledgermuminary55's user avatar
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Solana web3.js getParsedTransaction returning null

I am writing a script that listens to Solana logs on a certain account and want to send transaction details whenever certain Program conditions are met, as seen below. connection.onLogs( ...
Xannyy's user avatar
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How can I add priority fees to a CLMM close position script?

how can I add priority fees to the following script? From what I understand, I need to create the priority fee instructions and add them to the transaction, but I can't get it to work. The following ...
Mikey's user avatar
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WalletSendTransactionError: Unexpected error when sending transaction

I am creating a staking transaction in my backend, and I want to consume it in the frontend. I have previously created others (withdraw, claim, unstake), and they work correctly. However, I am unable ...
Igna's user avatar
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Getting "Site May be Malicious" For a Phantom Wallet Transaction method I'm trying to create

I'm trying to create a method where users must send a specific spl-token in exchange for a service. I created the code, but I get a warning from blowfish saying the site may be malicious. I emailed ...
Kevin Cortez's user avatar
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Anchor test error "InstructionDidNotDeserialize"

I wrote an instruction to remove mint authority,and meet "InstructionDidNotDeserialize" error when I tried to run anchor test. Here is the instruction: pub fn remove_mint_authority(ctx: ...
Cococean's user avatar
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Wsol balance shows zero

I'm trying to swap wsol against usdc and then in second transaction wsol against the usdc it's sort of arbitrage script. Now that I don't have wsol balance but the Jupiter aggregator uses sol from my ...
Anwar's user avatar
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Package `Solana-program vX.X.X` cannot be built because it requires rustc X.X.X or newer

When I run anchor build I get the error: error: package solana-program v1.18.26 cannot be built because it requires rustc 1.75.0 or newer, while the currently active rustc version is 1.72.0-dev Either ...
Jim's user avatar
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Unable to withdraw undelegated stake on Solana devnet

I am using @solana/web3.js to test SOL staking on Solana devnet. I was able to create a staking account, send SOL to it, delegate the stake to a validator and deactivate the stake. This was all done ...
Max Polizzo's user avatar
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WalletConnect and useWallet but its returning null value

I created a simple wallet connect application. I'm trying to show a form after geting the wallet address but its always showing the publicKey value as null. Wallet is successfully connected and I'm ...
hhilal's user avatar
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How to retreive all liquidity pool id for a given raydium program

i am trying to get all pool addresses for a given raydium program. I use solana/web3.js and raydium-io/raydium-sdk-v2. So i start with this: import { Connection} from '@solana/web3.js'; import ...
Soel's user avatar
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Getting Error- Buffer is not defined - For Wallet Integration

I am trying to build a simple web application that uses Solana Web3.js to facilitate token purchase on devnet through my phantom wallet. However, when I attempt to execute the buyTokens function, I ...
Roushan Jha's user avatar
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solana program gives: Reached maximum depth for account resolution error

Specs: Macbook M1 pro(apple chip 16GB) ➜ anchor git:(main) ✗ anchor --version anchor-cli 0.30.1 ➜ anchor git:(main) ✗ solana --version solana-cli 2.0.17 (src:93e6e33e; feat:607245837, client:Agave) ...
Abhishek's user avatar
4 votes
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Transactions Missing While Monitoring Multiple Wallets with onLogs

I am currently using Solana's onLogs method to monitor transactions for multiple wallets in real-time. The implementation involves subscribing to multiple wallet addresses and handling transaction ...
Harim's user avatar
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web3.js version 2: requestAirdrop() with 'finalized' confirmation works, but balance afterwards is zero

In web3.js version 2, I am requesting an airdrop with finalized confirmation (the transaction works fine), and then checking the balance (also with finalized) but the balance remains 0: import { ...
mikemaccana's user avatar
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To get IDL of Raydium-CP-Swap (CPMMoo8L3F4NbTegBCKVNunggL7H1ZpdTHKxQB5qKP1C)

I want to get IDL of Raydium-cp-swap(CPMMoo8L3F4NbTegBCKVNunggL7H1ZpdTHKxQB5qKP1C). I know that is built with Anchor. So I tried anchor idl fetch CPMMoo8L3F4NbTegBCKVNunggL7H1ZpdTHKxQB5qKP1C But it ...
Alan Daniela's user avatar
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i dont know how to delete a question

i dont know how to delete a question
Astrokke's user avatar
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Solana Defi Opportunity

I'm hiring for a Solana Smart Contract Eng with Strong Rust skills for a brilliant DeFi project. Reach out if interested: andrew at axiom recruit dot com
Andrew Axiom's user avatar
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cargo build -j 2 command gives error

I am trying to build a solana project Specifications rustc --version rustc 1.83.0 (90b35a623 2024-11-26) solana --version solana-cli 2.0.18 (src:f77014dc; feat:607245837, client:Agave) anchor --...
Abhishek's user avatar
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Running anchor build gives error in solana program

Upon running anchor build [2024-12-03T12:07:16.596224000Z ERROR cargo_build_sbf] Failed to install platform-tools: HTTP status client error (404 Not Found) for url (
Abhishek's user avatar
2 votes
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`MaxListenersExceededWarning` when making subscriptions with `@solana/web3.js` version >=2

When using the subscriptions API in @solana/web3.js version >=2, I encounter this warning. > (node:647037) MaxListenersExceededWarning: Possible EventTarget memory leak detected. 11 foo ...
steveluscher's user avatar
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Failing to deserialize a tx from rpc, Error deserializing transaction: Reached end of buffer unexpectedly

Hey guys I'm just trying to deserialize a tx from an rpc. const subscriptionMessage = JSON.stringify({ jsonrpc: "2.0", id: 1, method: "blockSubscribe", ...
Wilfried Scherrer's user avatar
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How to get all wallets (token accounts) holding a specific token (by mint address)

As the title states I would like to get all wallets that hold a particular token by providing the token's address. I believe in more accurate terms I would like to get all token accounts with a non-...
Kody F's user avatar
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Transaction not found in getSignaturesForAddress() returned array

getSignaturesForAddress misses one particular transaction of slot 304499001, for address Fch1oixTPri8zxBnmdCEADoJW2toyFHxqDZacQkwdvSP, transaction signature is ...
Hideo's user avatar
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How to get the balance for tokens in web3js v2?

In web3js@1 we could use connection.getTokenAccountsByOwner() to get the balance details for tokens in a wallet. In web3js@2 we have getTokenAccountsByOwner function in the rpc object, but I'm failing ...
Mahdi Ghiasi's user avatar
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token swaps on amm supported dexs on solana

i am a new to solana development just started exploring it yesterday before that i am doing development on etherum and other evm compatible chains from last 2 years. i have a question for people who ...
Anwar's user avatar
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trying to fetch all tokens which are created by walletAddress

hello i have been trying to fetch all tokens created by walletAddress or user. i am trying helius as someone already suggested me to use helius with the getAssetsByCreator function. i need only token ...
Prabhat kumar's user avatar
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how to get list of tokens(not NFTs) that are created by solana user

i want to fetch the tokens which are being created by the user. i came across the method .getParsedTokenAccountsByOwner() which is being used to fetch the tokens that is being owned by owner. and what ...
Prabhat kumar's user avatar
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i tried to make a transction on sol chain between two wallet

hello i try to make a app that use solana wallet for connection when i want to make a transaction between two wallet i got this error index-DKfn-846.js:104 Error sending message: Error: failed to get ...
Astrokke's user avatar
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Solana currency not being sent

I have $2 in my Phantom wallet and Tether is in Solana. I wanted to transfer it to another wallet, but it gives a warning. What's the problem?
user29154's user avatar
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How to solve " Failed app interaction "

The image showing in my phantom wallet Another image show That the transfer is completely but I can't see my token
J1911b's user avatar
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How to get specific token info under postBalances and preBalances for getTransaction method

I want to get specific token info transfers for preBalances and postBalances section of SDK's getTransaction method response. As a basis it gives info only in lamports, but can it be used to get ...
Hideo's user avatar
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How do I create a Solana RPC connection using TypeScript/JavaScript?

The Solana RPC offers several methods you can call to read and write from the network. How would I use @solana/web3.js in TypeScript/JavaScript to create a connection against which I can call these ...
steveluscher's user avatar
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Basic examples how to use solana web3.js version 2.x and above

a beginner typescript developer here. I tried to get started with the web3.js library on version 2. But all the documentation I can find is for version 1.95.5 or older. And literally nothing works as ...
FunnyFlo's user avatar
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Find from which trading bot a wallet is

Does anyone has a clue how to find from which trading bot(bullx, photon, trojan,...) a wallet is? like: or
safak93's user avatar
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Timeout Errors in Jupiter API

In my code made it with Node js const executeSwap = async (quote, telegramId) => { try {'Starting executeSwap function'); const wallet = await getWallet(telegramId); const ...
ACarl Premium's user avatar
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lost funds when trading and then closing and withdrawing to my account

I am new to this having only been trading meme coins for about 2 weeks but i cant help but notice none of my money is coming back to my Wallet. Am i doing something wrong? i have a Phantom wallet and ...
alex's user avatar
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Seeking confirmation or advice on best way to retrieve all transactions associated with a specific account for a given block

I need to retrieve all signatures on a given block for a given account. I'm using the RC branch right now, and think it will be likely that v2 will be the release branch by the time I'm ready to ...
Michael Jay's user avatar
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who knows any api can monitor the burn event, and get the history burning history? I need to know the signature instead of only how much it burned

Like what I said in the title. I don't want to monitor the SPL token program, caz it's so noisy, and wasting time. I'm doing a product recently, I need the api be fast.
papi's user avatar
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" Error processing Instruction 3: invalid account data for instruction" when trying to buy Solana token using Javascript

I'm building a bot using JavaScript to auto trade Solana token for me. It's coming along fine but when it's time for bot to buy, it's always logging this error for me: Fetch Error: Simulation failed. ...
Adewale Adeyemi's user avatar
2 votes
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How to deserialize transactions in @solana/web3.js v2?

I'm working with Raydium and Jupiter swap APIs, which return serialized transactions that need to be deserialized before sending. In the older version of @solana/web3.js, this was done using ...
mektigboy's user avatar
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How to filter Solana log subscriptions

I am trying to only listen to transactions regarding ONE specific program and only one specific instruction. For example I only want to see logs of transactions that executed the "create" ...
alex's user avatar
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Using solana program with traditional frontend-backend

I am building a system that requires the client to pay for the transaction. Once the user has successfully paid for the transaction, my backend will give the user some Web2 benefits. The main problem ...
Nishchit's user avatar
3 votes
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How to generate, save, importing a keypair into phantom with solana/web3.js v2?

Steven and John answered on how to generate and save a keypair using web3.js v2. -> see also: How to generate and save a keypair with solana/web3.js v2? I formatted the private key into base58 (...
jonasXchen's user avatar
4 votes
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Proper way to interact with BPF_LOADER_PROGRAM in Web3JS

What is the expected way to interact with the BPFUpgradeLoader using the Solana Web3 JS SDK? It appears the web3.BPF_LOADER_PROGRAM_ID is marked as deprecated, but it offers no clear alternative. What ...
Brandon's user avatar
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How to infer or find basic types for return values in @solana/web3.js v2 library?

I’m working on a project using the Solana web3.js v2 library, and I’ve run into a challenge with types. Specifically, I’m trying to infer or find the correct type for the return value of a function ...
Truehazker's user avatar

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