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Questions tagged [magiceden]

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1 vote
0 answers

Error: Invalid arguments: wallet not provided

got error with anchor: Error occurred: Error: Invalid arguments: wallet not provided. It is a problem with my low-level deposit instruction, here is the code: const depositInstruction = await ...
0 votes
0 answers

Can't get instruction to buy now MagicEden API

I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. Trying for a long time on different nfts and still no success, always gets err: 'invalid collection'. But if I'm correct according to official docs it's almost ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to send versioned transaction from bytes

I am using Magic Eden's API to generate a buy transaction, and it returns the bytes of the transaction. I'm using Python, solanapy and solders to send the transaction. However I don't know how to ...
1 vote
1 answer

Can I buy magicEden in code?

I want to buy magiceden's NFT without using their API. Is there any way to achieve it? Because magic eden provides their on-chain program, I think what I have to do is to provide proper instruction ...
0 votes
0 answers

Phantom Wallet is displaying animated NFTs as greyed out images or static

We are currently testing animated versions of the Magnum AI NFTs on the google chrome browser! Phantom wallet is displaying some of the GIFs with a grey image place holder or an outdated non-animated ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to create, sign and send transaction to Magiceden program

I have Magiceden API bearer token and using the buyNow endpoint Which return Buffer data as in the picture. I tried to create the Transaction like this: const transactionME = Transaction.from(Buffer....
2 votes
2 answers

Why does magic eden buy_now instruction #3 fail

We are trying to execute a magic eden buy now instruction, by sending it to the chain inside of a transaction. There are 3 instructions. For clarity we posted a picture of a fund flow from a working ...
2 votes
1 answer

How are MagicEden's Collection Bids derived?

I was hoping someone could help me understand how the collection offers on MagicEden are populated. As an example if we look at the Collection Offers tab for Degenerate Trash Pandas, At the time of ...
0 votes
0 answers

Can't get data using Magic Eden API

I checked Magic Eden API documentation and wanted to see all the tokens from my wallet. Example from the documentation: import requests url = "
5 votes
1 answer

MagicEden DutchAuction address

MagicEden has a few programs, such as EnglishAuction, EnglishAuctionSpl, DutchAuction, and, possibly DutchAuctionSpl. But I weren't able to find address of a DutchAuction program anywhere. What is it? ...
2 votes
1 answer

can i send identical transaction without api ME

Do I need to get instructions via the Magiceden api to send such a transaction solscanlink - link
0 votes
1 answer

Executing Magic Eden Buy: Error: Signature Verification Failed

I'm trying to make a buy on Magic Eden but when I try sendAndConfirmTransaction() I got: Error: Signature Verification Failed I am calling an API that sent me back the instruction for build the tx. ...
1 vote
2 answers

Is there anyway to get every single listed NFT (even better if not listed) of a Magic Eden collection?

The normal /listings endpoint does not give the metadata of the NFT. How can I also get the metadata and info of the NFT?
1 vote
0 answers

How to use Magic Eden instruction endpoints and turn them into transactions in solana-py

I want to start interacting with Magic Eden NFTs through my solana-py code. So I want to learn how to use the endpoints at I have an ...
2 votes
2 answers

Magic Eden API instructions/buy_now

I'm trying to use Magic Eden API and solana-py to buy an NFT for the listed price. I'm using the instructins/buy_now endpoint to do that. I get an error when trying to buy the NFT. Have been trying to ...
4 votes
2 answers

GET all collections of NFT, API, Magic eden

Good morning. I'm looking to make a small coinmarketcap, but from solana nfts, like solsniper or matricnft. I have tried with the magic eden api but it does not give many options, get /collections can ...
1 vote
1 answer

Can I get magicEden's escrow program IDL?

I wanna have magicEden's program IDL. I can see many transactions here, and what I want to achieve is to get listing price info ...
15 votes
3 answers

Buying on Magiceden through coding

does someone know how to buy Solana Nfts from secondary market like Magiceden through programming. I prefer though Python but If you know with another programming language also let me know please. ...
2 votes
1 answer

How to retrieve a list of NFT items from a collection on Magic Eden with curl?

I'd like to retrieve a list of NFT collection from Magic Eden using curl. I've checked the docs at /collections/:symbol/listings, and I've tried to use the following request: $ curl --location -s 'api-...