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Unanswered Questions

2,076 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
7 votes
0 answers

Are curve25519 syscalls sufficient to perform an ed25519 signature verification?

There is a syscall to verify an secp256k1 signature, but there isn't one for ed25519. There is a native program for both. Recently some curve25519 syscalls have been enabled on mainnet-beta, i believe ...
4 votes
1 answer

Blockhash not found when using solana CLI

Im trying to deploy a program and close buffer accounts. I am using a payed quicknode RPC for that, some problem happens with the public endpoint quite often. After a few tries it usually works. Does ...
4 votes
2 answers

How to listen and decode all buy raydium swaps

As the title suggests the goal is to listen to all Raydium swaps that happen live, preferably via websockets and be able to decode meaningful info. I have a code snippet that to my understanding does ...
4 votes
0 answers

Anchor / Solana: where to specify commitment level?

I am learning the basics of creating dApps using Solana/Anchor by following these series of articles. It is now outdated, but nonetheless, it's a great way to start. So, straight to the question ...
4 votes
1 answer

how to create market id in devnet with js

I was learning solana evm on devnet and I started to code a token with @solana/spl-token library and then I tried to add a liquidity to radiyum and then it asked for openbook market id , I want to ...
4 votes
0 answers

anchor build: error: toolchain 'solana' is not installed

I use this command of anchor, but there is some wrong with it: levi@LEVI-104-PC:/opt/solana/youtube-tutorial/mint-nft$ anchor build error: toolchain 'solana' is not installed My specifications: ...
4 votes
0 answers

Anchor idl upgrade triggers: require_gte expression was violated

i had to recompile anchor to print the error (is there away to stream idl write logs during anchor idl upgrade|install?) > ../anchor/target/debug/anchor idl upgrade ...
4 votes
2 answers

Metaplex JS SDK returning null when jsonLoaded is True

I'm having an issue while trying to get an NFT's JSON data. Regardless of mint address, I keep getting null. (Using @metaplex-foundation/[email protected] on a free QuickNode RPC). I'm trying the following: ...
4 votes
1 answer

Versioned Transaction can't sign or serialize

I'm trying to sign a VersionedTransaction using Solana Wallet Adapter and getting TypeError: Blob.encode[data] requires (length 40) Uint8Array as src My code: const tx = new ...
4 votes
1 answer

Reveal URL on mint Solana Anchor Lang

I want to hide the minting URL and reveal it later once a user has minted NFTs. let path = ""; let new_uri = format!(""); invoke( ...
4 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to destructure a freezeDelegatedNft?

I am looking for a way to destructure a freezeDelegatedNft so I can combine it with another transaction. This is what I have currently: await metaplex.tokens().approveDelegateAuthority({ mintAddress:...
4 votes
1 answer

Does `jsonParsed` always work for `getTokenAccountsByOwner`?

The docs for the getTokenAccountsByOwner RPC method say: If "jsonParsed" is requested but a parser cannot be found, the field falls back to "base64" encoding. However since we're ...
3 votes
0 answers

How to visually understand canopy depth in a Concurrent Merkle Tree

I've been trying for a while how to visually understand the canopy in a Concurrent Merkle Tree but I cannot fully understand it. According to the docs, the canopy depth is the amount of upper nodes ...
3 votes
0 answers

How to implement a wallet button using web3.js v2

I have been using sveltekit + @solana/wallet-adapter-base, @solana/wallet-adapter-phantom to build my solana frontend dapp, this is not good because they depends on web3.js v1 which depends on bs58 ...
3 votes
1 answer

What if the rent exemption price goes up?

Given that new Solana accounts must be credited - at creation time - with enough SOL to be "rent-exempt", the balance of an account isn't allowed to go below its corresponding minimum "...
3 votes
0 answers

Metaplex Core - Owner can revoke transfer delegate of an asset on escrowless sale

I am trying to make an anchor escrowless sale of a metaplex core asset. For this, I first freeze the asset and then add a transfer delegate, I set the authority to the program on both plugins. The ...
3 votes
1 answer

What is the minimum offchain JSON data (if any) I need for a Token using the Token Extensions Metadata?

When making Token Extensions using token extensions metadata, many fields: name symbol attribute key/value pairs Already appear in the JS/TS parameters for the mint. The token extensions with ...
3 votes
1 answer

getrandom error when i run anchor build

disclaimer im a noob so pls bear with me. anyway, when i run cargo build my program compiles successfully but when i run anchor build i get this error output. error: target is not supported, for more ...
3 votes
0 answers

Access violation in unknown section at address 0x0 of size 8

I'm encountering Access violation in unknown section at address 0x0 of size 8 error when I call my initialize instruction. Here is the full error. Message: Transaction simulation failed: Error ...
3 votes
0 answers

How to do account white listing using merkle tree on solana native rust program? Is it really possible to do whitelist account using merkle on solana?

I did this code But have doubt that it will not work as desired:- use borsh::{BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize}; use merkletreers::tree::MerkleTree; use merkletreers::utils::hash_it; use ...
3 votes
0 answers

Network mismatch

I am trying to send a transaction on devnet network but for some reason I keep getting the error "Network mismatch Your current network is set to Devnet, but this transaction is for Mainnet. ...
3 votes
0 answers

Is there any functioning AMM on devnet?

I want to swap my devnet SOL for some other devnet token, for example USDC. Is there any functioning AMM on Devnet where this is possible? Preferably one that automatically handles the wrapping on the ...
3 votes
1 answer

Can I regain signing authority of a wallet that was drained? Still have Private Key & Passphrase

After a wallet drain, the hacker was able to change the signing authority on my wallet. I still have the private key and passphrase. I can still import the wallet, but I can no longer sign any ...
3 votes
1 answer

Jupiter V6 Swap API. Problem with commission

Jupiter Swap V6 Problem with commission. Hello, I have a problem. I made a node js script to send a swap through the jupiter ag platform. My transaction is successful, but the solscan page displays No ...
3 votes
0 answers

How to Bridge ERC-20 Tokens to a Similar Contract on Solana Using Wormhole or Equivalent Platform?

I am currently working on a blockchain project where I’ve encountered a challenge that I hope to get some insights on. Background: I have an existing ERC-20 token contract on Ethereum, which includes ...
3 votes
1 answer

Getting custom program error 0x16 on Raydium after burning LP tokens

I created a liquity pool on Raydium a few days ago and scheduled the pool to be launched 3 days from now. Yesterday I burned the LP (on Sol-incinerator) and since then I noticed there are a lot of ...
3 votes
4 answers

Where to find ammConfig address?

I'm currently experimenting with AAM Pools from Raydium. Some actions require a ammConfigId. Does someone know where I can find or fetch this address?
3 votes
0 answers

Getting error "An account required by the instruction is missing" while creating associated token address

I am trying to create associated token address on solana program with below configuration #[derive(Accounts)] #[instruction(params: TokenParams)] pub struct MintToken<'info> { /// CHECK: ...
3 votes
1 answer

Can't connect to solana devnet using solana cli or curl

All things are ok when I use localhost.But when I change to devnet, I cannot develop programs(solana balance/airdrop are ok). RPC URL: Default Signer Path: /Users/chenyu/....
3 votes
0 answers

BigQuery Solana dataset is incorrect/incomplete

We have noticed the data in the Solana dataset on BQ is incomplete. Consider this wallet: As you can see, there was a transfer ...

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