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Buzzec's user avatar
Buzzec's user avatar
  • Member for 2 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
  • Austin TX
8 votes

anchor test: Error: Your configured rpc port: 8899 is already in use

3 votes

Is there way to differentiate accounts from pdas?

3 votes

Deploy regular solana (not anchor) on mainnet

3 votes

How does the Token Program CLI tool find token accounts

3 votes

How to use a Geyser plugin

2 votes

How to decode anchor zero copy account with idl?

2 votes

What is the best way to handle multiple transactions having transaction size exceed 1232 bytes

2 votes

NFT batch transact

2 votes

Inside programs is it "better" to pass Pubkey as a reference?

1 vote

Error compiling async-executor with "cargo build-sbf"

1 vote

Is it possible to use type `char` in an account field / as funciton arguments?

1 vote

Verify data actually came from a certain program

1 vote

Return airdropped lamports on devnet and testnet?

1 vote

How do I throw an error if there are other instructions in a transaction?

1 vote

Latency is RPC response and websocket

1 vote

Solana can't mint to a different token account

1 vote

Who has the right to modify an account and who signs transactions?

1 vote

How do I send Solana balance from command prompt to Phantom wallet?

0 votes

Solana Package breaking React App with TypeError