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Revoke Mint authority

I'm trying to revoke the mint authority in my code using Anchor. I've tried many things, but I always get an error during deployment. Whenever I add set_authority to my code, I encounter the following ...
Felix's user avatar
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Withdraw SOL from Mint Authority Account

I have some SOL in my previous mint authority address and need to recover the SOL amount. Doing normal withdraw does work. Public Key: 5C6cHYWVy6MddjETvUawDNCESzQcKayNQCniQWPfb2z5 Balance: 0.605292 ...
Dom's user avatar
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Why are some core programs on Solana mutable?

I have a few questions regarding the upgrade authority on basic programs deployed on the Solana blockchain, i.e. the Stake Pool Program or the Token-2022 Program. Why do these programs still retain ...
Adam's user avatar
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How to retrieve the update authority info with spl-token or metaplex foundation lib using javascript?

My main question is how to retrieve the update authority information (mint address as string) given a token address with the @solana/spl-token or @metaplex-foundation/js library using JavaScript. I ...
Fabian B's user avatar
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My Mint Authority for my memecoin was giving to Systems program 11111111111111111111111111111111,Can it be fixed?

So I made a memecoin 8 months back, The mint authority was giving to System program 11111111111111. Dextools, Dexscreener, all show my coin is unmintable,But lately some programs like sol ...
AndreDefiant's user avatar
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Use PDA as the authorized account for the token account Failed

I want to create a public wallet (public_account) when I create SPL tokens, and then this wallet holds the original mint tokens, and then others can transfer tokens from through the contract interface....
Dunty Z's user avatar
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How to set updateAuthority for spl-token in time of mint with JavaScript?

Im using @solana/spl-token to mint a legacy token on Solana (not token2022). The problem is that I cannot set any updateAuthority for it so I cannot set/update its metadata with Metaplex after minting....
S Arv's user avatar
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Is possible to find all SPL Tokens or NFTs Collections where an solana address is the Mint or Update authority only providing this address or keypair?

Is there a way to, for example: I provide an solana address. Find all the SPL Tokens where this solana address is the Mint or Update Authority, or NFT Collections where this solana address is the ...
Eliel's user avatar
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How to set contract ATA's authority to my program

I know how ATA and PDA works. I know that an ATA is a PDA, and so the account which the PDA was derived from is the one that can sign transactions for this PDA. So, I assume that a contract's ATA's ...
Nathan's user avatar
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Is it possible to change the "update" authority of an SPL token?

I have an SPL token and I'd like to change the "update authority" of that token. I am NOT using the Token-2022 standard. This SPL token has the mint, free & metadata authorities revoked. ...
user881239's user avatar
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Calling mint_to for second times error: ConstraintMintMintAuthority. Error Number: 2016. Error Message: A mint mint authority constraint was violated

Initialize and Mint token functions: pub fn init_token(ctx: Context<InitToken>, metadata: InitTokenParams) -> Result<()> { let authority = &ctx.accounts.payer; let ...
Lobo1897's user avatar
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Solana SPL-22 token fee not claimable

I made a Solana spl-2022 memecoin on Dexlab with a 4.9% fee for marketing. Some transactions are made and a withheld amount is visible on the blockchain (solscan). When I look at Dexlab's claim fee ...
VKah33's user avatar
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Given a list of token accounts for a wallet, how do I determine which accounts the user/wallet has mintAuthority?

I built a ui using NextJS and the Solana wallet adapter library. I'm using getParsedTokenAccountsByowner to display all token accounts when the user connects their wallet. I want to map over all these ...
Dmitry Sky's user avatar
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How to set owner role in this like we set owner to solidity?

"In my contract, I require the implementation of an owner role, creating what is commonly known as an 'ownable' contract pattern. This entails the inclusion of three key functions within my ...
Vivek Kadavni's user avatar
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Signer Authority and transactions

When a client sends a transaction he must specify a list of addresses. For those addresses for which are declared as writable, the user must provide a signature. According to the Solana docs, the ...
qubitz's user avatar
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Mint Authority Being a Signer

I am getting error: Instruction does not support native tokens when trying to initialize a new SPL metadata via: // Invoke the create_metadata_account_v3 instruction on the token metadata program ...
AceGravity's user avatar
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How to check if a solana token creator can change the name or picture of the token that he sold at dex?

Unfortunately I bought a token at Dex which seems the dev rugged and left. Our community now has taken over the token. I want to know if that dev can change anything now? (Including name of the token, ...
Sali's user avatar
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How to get my pre Metaplex legacy token's update authority?

I created a token before the existence of Metaplex, and during that time, token metadata was managed through the repository. I now wish to update my token's ...
Tolui Davaasuren's user avatar
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How to add metadata to my SPL token with multisign

I have a problem with a token created in early 2022. I can't add metadata! the mint account is multisign and I can't use metaplex to upload metadata file. I thought I could to change authorize owner ...
Theca Lab's user avatar
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How to give authority of PDA to another program

I have two programs. // program one #[derive(Accounts)] pub struct MyContext<'info> { ... #[account(mut)] pub pda_in_prog_1: PDA_ONE<'info, T>, pub system_program: Program<'...
Jimii's user avatar
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does the authority of compressed NFTs work the same as normal NFTs?

Does the traditional concept of having a freeze authority and mint authority the same for Compressed NFTs? Where there is a specific scope for each account found in the authorities array? If so, are ...
Sewy's user avatar
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Sol staking question

When viewing my staking account it appears that my authority address has changed and my main address is no longer it How do I change the authority back to my main address and is my main address still ...
ScrapHouse of Life CCC's user avatar
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Is there a typescript schema/idl for the token program instructions?

Good morning, trying to decode data from the last instruction of this transaction which is a setAuthority instruction. My main problem is that i can't get the newAuthority address from the data, since ...
Jacopo's user avatar
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How can i verify authority account of a program in anchor

I implemented a program and I checked the authority's publickey address. how can i get this wallet address (for example i want a fn number in the code that can only be called with authority). Or is ...
Hieu Tran's user avatar
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Token-2022 extension enforcing immutable owner

I have a use case to assign a new owner to an associated token address (ATA) after it has been created. Having tried this against a local node I was met with an error saying that I could not change ...
Matthew James's user avatar
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Any way to migrate a legacy "tokenlist" token to use Metaplex Fungible Token Metadata if the token's mint authority is disabled?

Title says it all. We have a token with "Current mint authority: disabled". We would love to add Metadata and update the logo but it appears this may be impossible now that the old tokenlist....
Iceee1000's user avatar
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Difference between authority and owner

From the Solana Cookbook, I can tell from the diagram that an Authority can sign transactions on behalf of the account whereas only an Owner can modify it. I can also tell that ownership can be ...
Tharsalys's user avatar
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Walllet is "locked". Can't pay transaction fees to close/update program

I am currently facing this issue that doesnt let me close my program (I don't really want to loose all the rent right now)
Yusuf-Uluc's user avatar
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How is Token Account Owner Different from Account Owner and Account Holder?

I am learning about Solana's account model. So far so good, these are the things I have found: Solana account is represented by the AccountInfo struct and whose structure is basically this: pub ...
dade's user avatar
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What is the recommended way of transferring Sol via a PDA after using SetAuthority?

I'm currently working on a fundraising program which involves just transacting Sol. In the first image, I have set fundraiser_config as the authority over the token_vault In the second image, I'm ...
bubu59's user avatar
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How to update authority on a rugged project?

The project I'm working on has been hijacked and rugged by the ex-developer who had the authority account. Long story-short, he minted new tokens, then he emptied the liquidity pool. We still have the ...
enki's user avatar
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Do I need to set authority on newly minted token after I transfer it?

I have a program to mint tokens on behalf of users (with user-provided metadata for the tokens) and after the minting is done, I transfer the token to the user address. Now, my question is - do I need ...
Milkncookiez's user avatar
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How do I restrict the rights to the created PDA?

I want anyone to be able to create a PDA, but only I can edit it. I was able to do this with "constraint", but when I send the transaction I also need to send signers. Is it ok? Or it can be ...
Watchman's user avatar
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Authority Delegated SPL token transactions without a program

i want to use authority delegation so a user can delegate his tokens and later a transaction can be created to transfer those tokens. can this be done without a smart contract and can the authority be ...
OverAchiever's user avatar
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How to create a PDA and enable data storage?

I'm using PDA to hold the funds and the smart contract will sign it to transfer funds from the PDA to anyone. What's the best way to create a PDA to store multiple NFTs/tokens and also custom data ...
NaveeN .G's user avatar
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How to allow only a specific account to interact with a Solana Program?

use anchor_lang::prelude::*; declare_id!(“example program id); #[program] pub mod example_program { use super::*; pub fn initialize(ctx: Context<Initialize>) -> Result<()> { ...
curiosity's user avatar
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How can I efficiently update the metadata authority for an entire NFT collection?

I need to update the authority of an NFT collection (authority on the metadata account). So when I use metaplex.nfts().update(), I need to sign a transaction for every NFT. How can I make all updates ...
Jrb's user avatar
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