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Questions tagged [mainnet]

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Deployment price

I planning to launch my program on the mainnet. Do you know if I can expect the same deployment cost on the mainnet compared to the devnet? Thanks.
dawka's user avatar
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Question relate to Re Deployment of onchain program

I guess Im new, and my question maybe related to that... I deployed a Smart Contract to mainnet-beta. I got a Program ID."ABxhuh61R8QsvQFCmqy******" I placed that program ID in the Anchor....
amirs's user avatar
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Can a chain reorg happen on Solana?

On Ethereum and other chains, a chain can split into "forks" and Validators then have to decide which path to go. Can that happen on Solana?
justTil's user avatar
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Problem getting WS channels from mainnet RPC

Is anyone else experiencing problems with responses from mainnet RPC through websockets? Works fine for devnet, but for the last 6 hours+ it doesn't work on mainnet. What's going on? Solana status ...
yippiedev's user avatar
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What are recommendations of things to do before publishing to mainnet?

There is a lot of risk in publishing to mainnet. Some of the things that I'm having difficulty with, as someone without resources to assist, is that I don't have people with a better understanding of ...
DevelopingJoku's user avatar
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Mainnet program deployment hygiene

Clearly having a single local keypair control mainnet program deployments is a horrible idea. Are there any well defined workflows to increasing security for deployments? Any handy multisig tools ...
Rohan Kapur's user avatar
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Why is my console telling me that it's expecting `!` when I try to deploy my program to mainnet for the first time?

I'm trying to deploy my Solana program to mainnet using anchor deploy --provider.cluster mainnet. When I first ran this command I got an insufficient funds error and it told me that I needed around 1....
Dylan Molina's user avatar
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Cluster time on different RPC nodes

In my program, I am getting the cluster time via Clock::get(). It seems when I use the default RPC node I am being served the "real-world time". However, ...
AllBlooming's user avatar
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Is there a way for the contract to test what cluster (mainnet, devnet, testnet) it is on?

In my project, I have some code that is unable to run on testnet, so I want to just pass sample data there. I'm wondering if it's possible to detect the environment so that I do not have to run ...
web3man's user avatar
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Is the Alchemy Solana API worth it? [closed]

I'm getting ready to deploy my dApp to mainnet soon. This is going to be the first time I deploy on mainnet and I'm confused on wether I will need to pay to run a Solana node or something like that. ...
Dylan Molina's user avatar
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Where can historical transaction data be found? [duplicate]

Hey as the question states we need historical data to produce certain graphs by executing scripts based on historical data, apparently i was under the impression solana devnet and mainnet api serve ...
Nabeel Naveed's user avatar
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How expensive is to run full node on Solana?

In Bitcoin, there are two parties - miners and node runners. While, the miners are running PoW operations, the node runners are only concerned with maintaining the record of the full ledger. Is there ...
CryptoSar's user avatar
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Questions about Mainnet RPC and endpoints [closed]

These questions are coming from someone who is experienced in Bitcoin ecosystem but new to Solana development. From what I understand, connecting to a Solana cluster is similar to connecting to a node ...
CryptoSar's user avatar
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What are the differences between Devnet, Testnet, and Mainnet?

In an idiomatic sense, what is the best way to understand the purpose of Devnet, Testnet, and Mainnet for someone completely new to the ecosystem? Which one is usually best for building and testing a ...
OCDev's user avatar
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What are the penalties for validator being offline?

When Solana validator node becomes offline in mainnet, what are the current network penalties and after what period?
kenorb's user avatar
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