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Solana Account owner change to BPFLoaderUpgradeab1e11111111111111111111111

My wallet have been changed Assigned Program Id from System program to BPFLoaderUpgradeab1e11111111111111111111111, how can I reassign to system program? Any help
Jade's user avatar
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Claim sunSBR staking rewards

Claim sunSBR staking rewards × failed to send transaction: Transaction simulation failed: Error processing Instruction 0: custom program error: 0x1772 how can i solve this problem ?
Dogukan's user avatar
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2 answers

[Phantom]: Is it actually possible to disconnect your wallet

I have a wallet connection setup where I eagerly connect to the wallet using provider.connect({ onlyIfTrusted: true }). When a user clicks disconnect I call provider.disconnect(). Now when they ...
Jonnmye's user avatar
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Phantom Wallet Recovery with Password

I was wondering if it was possible to recover wallet access in Phantom with only the password? I created the wallet two years ago and haven't checked it since then. It appears that I did not write ...
brad14's user avatar
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My deposits arrived in a system program account

I tried transferring some sol into a Solflare account. It would up in a “system program” account. How do I get it back?
Rob's user avatar
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What is this wallet.GetAccount(index) stuff?

With Solana, there is the possibility to get accounts which obviously depend on the wallet. This can be done using the wallets GetAccount(index) function, e.g. with Account fromAccount = wallet....
HansHeinz's user avatar
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not able to restore old sollet wallet (24 seed)

I got an old sollet wallet(37 accounts with sol and tokens) since beginning of was created on, extension came after), but cannot access it anymore, i still have the 24 ...
crypto alb's user avatar
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Token name wrong in Phantom wallet

we changed the metadata on our token but it still shows the same name on Phantom wallet. Is there a way to get it changed?
peeter ojaaa's user avatar
-1 votes
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Why my jupiters that I bought on whalet market have disapered from my phantom wallet?

I had 360.75 jup on my wallet and now I have 0 but all the other coins are fine, does anyone knows what happened ?
Anthony Abriol's user avatar
3 votes
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Can I regain signing authority of a wallet that was drained? Still have Private Key & Passphrase

After a wallet drain, the hacker was able to change the signing authority on my wallet. I still have the private key and passphrase. I can still import the wallet, but I can no longer sign any ...
Zack's user avatar
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Wallet Adapter Saga Mobile

I cannot get the Anza/Solana Wallet Adapter to work with Saga mobile with any wallets. When I try to sign a Message or Tx I get "Wallet Error: Unexpected Error". The provided demo does not ...
Trevor's user avatar
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Solana getBalance() fetch failed on AWS Lambda

As the title suggests, I need to make an AWS Lambda function which retrieves an account balance. Tha problem is that it often throws the error: INFO Error: failed to get balance of account ...
Francesco's user avatar
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solana token never arrived

i did 4 transacation, 3 on ether and one on solana. all was sucess, but the token never arrived..i made a complain on twitter, someone from the team come to me yesterday and try solve my problem. but ...
Jose Alteairers Silva Santos's user avatar
-1 votes
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Bitcoin dont show in my Phantom wallet

Bitcoin dont show in my Phantom wallet and I have no option to activate it? I have updated all my extensions by going into dev mode on Brave but don't seem to figure out how to enable auto-updates.
user8806's user avatar
2 votes
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Token-2022 coin in Coinbase wallet? Please help a noob! [closed]

I swapped for a token-2022 coin on using sol from a coinbase wallet. Now jup is showing the transaction and the amount, but the wallet doesn't. Not seeing it in the wallet. Does Coinbase ...
JoeyJoeJo Shabadoo's user avatar
-4 votes
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Account Frozen wit Phanthom wallet

I purchased a coin CDUM6TUwwAfuKxE5jQVGfAaGXd8AJFpwQJM5XASXVAZ2 paired wit SOL through Phanthom wallet on Jupiter exchange,pooled on Fluxbeam. After buying when I wanted to sell there’s an error keep ...
Mcleel's user avatar
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My wallet is hacked... whenever sol or any token is sent it get drained instantly

my wallets was hacked like 11 months ago maybe seed was compromised. Gn8crAJsHYNf1ELT8x7EeecbELGTGngyfjRKSeLMyQyF 643BzCV3TCvfb2aC6biZHQWH8oCMK4HbDuUUbmiJYNHi ...
shamanth V's user avatar
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My wallet is hacked... whenever sol or any token is sent it get drained instantly

my wallets was hacked like 11 months ago maybe seed was compromised. Gn8crAJsHYNf1ELT8x7EeecbELGTGngyfjRKSeLMyQyF 643BzCV3TCvfb2aC6biZHQWH8oCMK4HbDuUUbmiJYNHi ...
shamanth V's user avatar
2 votes
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How to burn Tokens in a Solana wallet

I want to burn tokens like in Ethereum where you send them in a dead address, and I was wondering if it's safe to send tokens to this wallet: dead111111111111111111111111111111111111111 I'm still a ...
Hyratio's user avatar
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how to sign and send multiple transactions with single confirmation click of wallet popup?

I am aware of adding multiple instructions to a single transaction. But for my use case one transaction is not enough. I have created and signed multiple transactions but don't know how to send it at ...
denimcodes's user avatar
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Does the Solana Mobile Android phone support fingerprint / face verification for payments like Google Pay / Apple Pay?

Using the Android phone made by the Solana Mobile project, am I able to use the phone's fingerprint or face scanner (like TouchID / FaceID on Apple's iOS) to confirm send payments of Solana using the ...
kj3x39's user avatar
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Locked Solana coins have disappeared

Solana coins were transferred from our wallet to an unknown wallet. Although the coins are locked and even we (the owners of the coins cannot do anything like that with them). Solflare technical ...
SaturnMerkuriy's user avatar
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Different deviation path but same wallet address

I transferred some SOL from my Solflare wallet to my Keystone but its not showing. I can see that wallet address on Solscan with the balance but it looks like its a different deviation path from my ...
Zee's user avatar
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Trouble sending faucet SOL on devnet from one wallet to another

I've attempted to send funds from one wallet to another. The wallet I intend to send from is credited with 5 SOL and the recipient wallet has 1 SOL. I run either npx esrun transfer.ts ...
johnny's user avatar
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Can i implement wallet adapter for solana in vanilla js?

I would like to implement wallet adapter in a vanilla js script using something like unpkg or jsdlivr. Is it possible to do that?
user19288852's user avatar
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Get transactions between a wallet and a token

Is there a way to fetch transactions that involve a certain wallet AND token address? Meaning, any transaction(sale, mint, etc) that occurred between the two. I've tried filtering manually using @...
yoyo 's user avatar
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Generating fresh wallets for a telegram bot

I was looking to make my very own telegram bot and wanted it to generate Wallets which the bot would manage, but I cannot find any documentation about wallet generation from a telegram request. If ...
DONCARLOS's user avatar
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Is there a way to develop a multisig wallet so that it supports phantom wallet? [closed]

I want to develop a multisig wallet mechanism like the SQUADS protocol. Can I develop a Solana program so that it can support phantom wallet? Link to the concept of Smart Contract Wallet
Tahlil's user avatar
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Solana Crypto Retrieval

Recently I sent Solana to the following address: GJRs4FwHtemZ5ZE9x3FNvJ8TMwitKTh21yxdRPqn7npE I sent it from my Coinbase Wallet account, now it has come to my attention that crypto sent CAN NOT be ...
RubinSon's user avatar
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3 answers

How to import a wallet keypair generated from CLI into a wallet provider like phantom?

When generating the keypair via CLI I get a .json file in the byte format. I'm aware the first 32 decimal numbers are the private key, and the last 32 are the public key But how do I import this into ...
pxl's user avatar
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2 answers

How to add a token to Phantom Wallet? [closed]

I recently installed the wallet, but there are no tokens that I am interested in, I watched a tutorial on youtube how to add a token through "manage token list" but there is no "+" ...
1Benimaru's user avatar
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Just starting on Solana and would greatly appreciate any tips!(:

I am just starting with Solana and if anyone could give me any pointers or some sort or direction that would be greatly appreciated!
Poseidon's user avatar
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Cryptocurrency wallets [closed]

**What unique features distinguishes Phantom and Decaf wallets from other popular wallets? Phantom and Decaf wallets are like fancy digital wallets with cool extras that set them apart from others – ...
Amelda Sannoh's user avatar
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When importing a mnemonic phrase into a phantom app, the wallet addresses do not match

I tested a code example for generating a mnemonic phrase and restoring a wallet using a mnemonic phrase from the official Solan documentation and a question arose. const mnemonic = "pill ...
Leo Loki's user avatar
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How can I sign a Solana transaction on the frontend with data coming from the backend?

async function getTransaction(){ $.ajax({ url: 'http://localhost:8080/gettransaction', type: 'GET', dataType: 'json', success: async function(data) { ...
Mario Badea's user avatar
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Assuming confidential transactions, is the use of a different public key for each Solana transaction a reasonable way to achieve anonymity?

In the field of cryptocurrency design, there is a critical question of whether we can build, or have already built, a cryptocurrency that both (1) is highly efficient at scale (i.e., capable of ...
SapereAude's user avatar
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Is there any decentralized and secure alternative to QuickNode?

I want to develop a Solana wallet using the Flutter framework. So far it is possible using the QuckNode API service. However, I think it is not a safe approach to rely on a centralized service. What ...
Amin Memariani's user avatar
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A special private key that can be used to make a TX to a certain wallet ONLY

I want to be able to achive this: a private key or its substitute (P) of a user wallet is stored on a server there're 100s of user wallets there, so there're 100s of (P) too server isn't a safe ...
nicholas.fowler's user avatar
1 vote
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Do I absolutely need SOL to sell or swap USDC? [closed]

I'm trying to ramp off USDC (Solana network) from my Brave Wallet but I don't have SOL, do I need to buy some just to swap or sell USDC?
user avatar
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How to secure backend api calls with web3?

In web2 we usualy create a bearer token when authentificating the user, and then use this bearer token in every api call. In web3, since the authentification is made with a wallet (connection), the ...
Effe2's user avatar
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Can assosiated addresses be generated on an account with no SOL on it?

Let's say, I've generated 1000 accounts manually, via code. I also want to generate USDT and USDC addresses for each of them. Then I'll give them to the users of my service for them to send USDT and ...
Camila326's user avatar
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How can a wallet drainer work if I don't sign anything?

I know this question sounds very strange ! I think the best way to protect myself is to understand the risk. I've heard many times that we can have our wallets drained if connected to a malicious app. ...
Effe2's user avatar
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How to generate an associated token account when generating the one in SOL?

I have a web service in which I'll be generating to my users wallets in SOL and in USDT/USDC. The wallets will be custodial, for deposits, and it has to be this way. And I need to obtain and parse ...
Camila326's user avatar
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How to generate a 100 HD wallets, what the proper derivation path would be?

I'm using solana/web3.js This derivation phrase is used by TrustWallet m/44'/501'/0' How would I generate a 100 wallets? One would have thought I could add a counter to it: m/44'/501'/0'/0 m/44'/501'/...
Camila326's user avatar
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Deriving a public key from a private key programmatically

I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place right now. I'm developing an app with react native, and users need to be able to import their wallets via their private keys (and hopefully mnemonic phrases) ...
Morgandril's user avatar
3 votes
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How insecure are file system wallets

Are they more insecure than myself in my teens? What are the attack vectors? How easily can someone take a sneak peak onto my PC and search for keypair.json? If I'm not mistaken npm packages, VSC ...
Josip Volarević's user avatar
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How do you transfer an NFT between wallets using Solnet?

While searching for this, I keep ending up back at this code sample. Is it really this complicated to transfer an NFT?
Keith Walton's user avatar
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Understanding Solana Wallet connection to Wallet Adapter

I'm trying to build a dApp embedded wallet that can interface with the Solana Wallet Adapter. I am looking at the Wallet Standard and I'm wondering if this could be used to build a dApp embedded ...
Zero's user avatar
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How does autoconnect of wallet work?

Does the solana wallet adapter autoconnect require the wallet to have already have been previously connected or will it automatically detect and connect a compatible wallet?
Zero's user avatar
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Transactions in Solana

I need to understand and know how transactions work in Solana. Whether the transactions are similar or completely different from other blockchains. Also, an example javascript implementation would be ...
AlexCav's user avatar
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